Hi there, I’m Spencer. I enjoy leveraging technology and data to drive better outcomes, especially for nonprofit, mission-driven organizations that face greater resource limitations than typical for-profit entities.
I have extensive experience in the nonprofit/NGO ecosystem, including a stint as a Peace Corps volunteer in Senegal. My deepest expertise is in the R programming language and Salesforce development, so my posts here will focus mainly on those two subjects.
This website is meant to showcase tools and techniques that have benefited me and my organization in managing data and leveraging technology. Nearly everything discussed here is built on open-source resources, so the main barrier for adoptions is intellectual rather than financial capital. My posts here should provide a leg-up in building that intellectual capital.
Finally, I’ve started taking on independent consulting projects. If you’d like to discuss how I might be able to help with your data project, please don’t hesitate to reach out (spencer.schien@gmail.com).
BA in Political Science and French, 2011
University of Illinois