Including Quarto Template in R Package


The purpose of this post is to provide a tutorial on how I’ve managed to translate R Markdown’s templating within R packages to the Quarto protocol. Specifically, I wanted to reproduce my workflow for using branded R Markdown PDF reports with the Quarto extension framework.

If you’re more of a hands-on learner, I’ve set up a minimal R package to serve as an example for this tutorial, which you can find here: Install this package yourself with the following code:

While I consider myself quite capable with R Markdown, I’m still new to Quarto. So, I might be missing existing functionality that accomplishes the same goals, or my solution here might complicate other Quarto extension functionality. That said, I’m already making use of the framework I lay out below in my professional and personal work, and it’s been a great improvement.

How it works

To include R Markdown templates in an R package, you can add the resources to the inst sub-directory of the package (i.e. inst/rmarkdown/templates). Similarly, we’re adding our Quarto extensions and templates to inst at inst/extdata/_extensions.

Include resources

For basic branded PDF reports, I include a supplemental header.tex, a logo, and a skeleton document that provides a starting point for the report. You could also include other necessary resources like fonts or a full template.tex file.

The header.tex file included here is pretty simple. It adds a logo to the title page and to the header of subsequent pages. The logo needs to be accessible to the report, which is why we need to include it here. And finally, the skeleton document serves as a template that is copied to the target directory and opened as a starting point for the report. It is beneficial because it has a preset YAML and basic document structure.

For example, below is the skeleton.qmd document I’ve included with the quartotemplate package. The benefits of this is that it gives you a standard YAML, setup code chunk with basic packages to load, and a simple document structure.

# skeleton.qmd #
title: "Your Title"
author: "Your Name"
date: "Report Last Run: `r Sys.time()`"
mainfont: Verdana
sansfont: Georgia
      - header.tex
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)

## Quarto

Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see <>.

## Running Code

When you click the **Render** button a document will be generated that includes both content and the output of embedded code. You can embed code like this:

1 + 1

You can add options to executable code like this

#| echo: false
2 * 2

The `echo: false` option disables the printing of code (only output is displayed).

Write a function

Now all that we have to do is write a function that brings this all together. With an R Markdown template, we could use the RStudio menu to create a new R Markdown document from a template, RStudio would create a sub-directory for the report (unless you specify otherwise), and it would open the Rmd in the editor based on a skeleton.Rmd.

RStudio has abstracted this functionality to the user interface, but we can do the same thing with code using the rmarkdown::draft() function. Realizing this is all possible with code, we know we can write our function with the following functionality:

  • Copy the extension files into the current working directory so our new report can access them
  • Create a sub-directory for the new report
  • Create a Quarto document by copying skeleton.qmd into this location
  • Copy header.tex into this location

By copying over header.tex, we’re making it easier to update the header to suit our needs from report to report.

The function below will accomplish our goals listed above. Note that this code is an extension of code Thomas Mock posted here. His code copied over extensions, and my additions make use of the skeleton and create our new report sub-directory.

# `file_name` will be the name of the sub-directory and new qmd report within it
# `ext_name` needs to name the specific extension

use_quarto_ext <- function(file_name = NULL,
                           ext_name = "quartotemplate") {

  if (is.null(file_name)) {
    stop("You must provide a valid file_name")

  out_dir <- file_name

  if(!dir.exists(out_dir)) {

  # check for available extensions
  stopifnot("Extension not in package" = ext_name %in% c("quartotemplate"))

  # check for existing _extensions directory
  if(!file.exists("_extensions")) dir.create("_extensions")
  message("Created '_extensions' folder")

  # various reading of key-value pairs for reporting
  ext_yml <- readLines(system.file("extdata/_extensions/quartotemplate/_extension.yml",
                                   package = "quartotemplate"))

  ext_ver <- gsub(
    x = ext_yml[grepl(x = ext_yml, pattern = "version:")],
    pattern = "version: ",
    replacement = ""

  ext_nm <- gsub(
    x = ext_yml[grepl(x = ext_yml, pattern = "title:")],
    pattern = "title: ",
    replacement = ""

  # Create folder for recursive copying into ahead of time
  if(!file.exists(paste0("_extensions/", ext_name))) dir.create(paste0("_extensions/", ext_name))

  # copy from internals
    from = system.file(paste0("extdata/_extensions/", ext_name), package = "quartotemplate"),
    to = paste0("_extensions/"),
    overwrite = TRUE,
    recursive = TRUE,
    copy.mode = TRUE

  # logic check to make sure extension files were moved
  n_files <- length(dir(paste0("_extensions/", ext_name)))

  if(n_files >= 2){
    message(paste(ext_nm, "v", ext_ver, "was installed to _extensions folder in current working directory."))
  } else {
    message("Extension appears not to have been created")

  # create new qmd report based on skeleton
  readLines("_extensions/quartotemplate/skeleton.qmd") |>
    writeLines(text = _,
               con = paste0(out_dir, "/", file_name, ".qmd", collapse = ""))

  # open the new file in the editor
  file.edit(paste0(out_dir, "/", file_name, ".qmd", collapse = ""))

  # copy header.tex over as well
  readLines("_extensions/quartotemplate/header.tex") |>
    writeLines(text = _, con = paste0(out_dir, "/header.tex"))


Make it your own

If you’d like to use this as a starting point to copy over or create your own R Markdown templates, here’s how I suggest you go about it:

  1. Create your inst/extdata/_extensions subdirectory in your package
  2. Create sub-directories from there for your extensions
  3. Add your necessary resources, such as images (e.g. logo), header.tex or template.tex, etc.
    • You might need to update file paths if they are referenced in any of these documents, so keep that in mind
  4. Create the skeleton.qmd document in the same location
    • You can use an existing skeleton.Rmd as a starting point. You might need to update the YAML, but code chunks and general markdown text should transfer
  5. Create your own use_quarto_ext() function by copying what I have above. You’ll need to update the extension names and file paths.

There’s an opportunity to build into this framework a parameter to automatically adjust file paths and extension names, but I haven’t built that out for this example. Keep in mind you’ll need to manually make those updates.


There you have it! I hope this was helpful to you. I think Quarto is really great, and it’s well worth porting over your Rmd templates. I’d love to hear from you if this proves helpful for you, if you improve upon my solution presented here, or if you know an existing easier way to accomplish this functionality.

Spencer Schien
Spencer Schien
Senior Manager of Data & Analytics

This is my bio. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
